HELIU BUSINESS DISTRICT AND RESIDENCES is the first Health Tourism, Business District and Residences in Nigeria. It is a Joint Venture Partnership between the Enugu State Government and F.I.T. (FINANCE, INVESTMENT AND TRADE) Consult Limited.
The Project was conceived at the commencement of Government efforts to reduce Capital Flight, attributed to Citizens traveling abroad to obtain international standard Health Care Services, which are not available locally. Given the over US$2 Billion spent annually across various Eastern and Western Countries, the idea of this Health Tourism District is to retain a small percentage of those funds within the Country. It is therefore expected that the World Class Multi-Specialty Hospital, being established at HELIU, will have the support services of a Hotel, Offices, Shopping Mall, Recreation, etc. as well as, Residences.
Dr. M. Ileka (Chairman Board of Directors)
Chief L. Aniagolu (Acting CEO)
Mr. A.P. Illiyasu (Director)
Ms. O. Ukegbu (Director)